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About Me

My name is Hope, and I am from the rural Stearns County of central Minnesota. I like to consider myself a small town girl with the love of photography and the outdoors. My hometown may be small, but the beauty of it is speechless, and capturing it through my lens gives me the most inspiring look on life. I often times spend my days out in the whispering beauty of the woods or surrounded by open water with a fishing pole in hand. There’s very few times when you’ll see me without my camera hanging around my neck, or where my camera bag isn’t within arms reach. Life only happens once, so you better bet your bottom dollar I’ll be there clinking away. To me there’s no better way of savoring the memories of life then by capturing the smiling faces of friends and family. The feeling photography gives me is truly like no other. My smile comes out the most, when I shoot yours!📸
-Captured by Hope


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