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A-Z Photography

Photography describes me, so here are the most important photography terms in order A-Z!

A- Aperture is the size of the opening of the lens
B- Burst Mode allows the camera to snap multiple photos as long as you hold the button down
C- Cameras are my favorite devices to capture memories
D- Digital is a form of images stored on a camera
E- Elements are essential for a good photo
F- Flash is a form of artificial light used to eliminate darkness
G- Gallery is a huge array of photographs
H- Highlights are the parts of a picture that are empisized
I- ISO represents the film sensitivity to light
J- JPEG is the standard image compression in digital images
K- Kelvin is a form of measurement used in photography
L- Lens are optical pieces of glass which extend to achieve a picture
M- Manual Mode allows you to choose your shutter speed and aperture
N- Nikon is the brand of equipment I prefer shooting with
O- Objective is a type of photographic lens
P- Photography is my favorite hobby
Q- Quality is a way to describe a well photographed image
R- RAW is an unedited form of digital images
S- Shutter controls the amount of light which reaches the film
T- Telephoto lens make a subject appear larger on film than the normal distance
U- Uni-pod is a one legged support system to hold the camera steady
V- Viewfinder is a device used to view your subjects
W- Wide Angle Lens have short focal lengths and a wide field of view
X- eXposure is the intensity of light  controlled by lens opening
Y- Yellow-Green Filter is often used to enhance landscape photos
Z- Zoom Lens allow you to extend your focal length 


  1. I really like how for this assignment you chose to have all of your ABC's to have something to do with photography.


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