Hey Everyone! Lets start with my photography journey, and where it all started. Back in Sixth grade i got my very first camera. A little Nikon cool pix filled my life with happiness as i snapped pictures of the weirdest things and was so proud of the hideous pictures i took. It was about the time in which i was going on a trip to Washington DC. I was so excited to take my new pride and joy with me, and snap pictures of all the memories i was sure i would make. While on this trip i grew to love photography, and began taking pictures with crazy angles and messing with the edits. My friends and i would goof around and take pictures pretending we were holding different monuments. I loved how photography allowed me to get really creative. That's when i got home and told my mom i wanted a new camera. She thought i was crazy and rolled her eyes at me. I explained how much fun i had taking pictures, but she just brushed it off. That night a start...